Everything we have is a gift from God. We are called to be wise stewards of those gifts. One very simple approach to carry out our call for stewardship is to support the diocese and church's ministry through sacrificial offering. We are pleased to announce that St. Joseph and OLG have a initiated an easy and convenient method for our parishioners and guests to make one-time or recurring contributions our ministry of St. Joseph and Our Lady of Guadalupe through our e-GIVING program.
You will be forwarded to St. Joseph - OLG e-GIVING web page. Registration is very easy, and you will be offered several options to allow for one-time contributions to various funds, as well as set up a recurring weekly/monthly offertory donation.
Did you know that youi can make a tax free distributions St. Joseph and OLG directly from you IRA account if you are over 70 1/2 years old? These donations are free from federal and state income taxes, can he;p with Medicare high income surcharges, and can help reduce taxes on your social security benefits. Distributions can be made directly to our parish and can be restricted so that it can be used for specific purposes (building projects, DSA, grounds, etc.) For more information contact Bob Burns (rjbns213@gmail.com)
Ushers greet parishioners as they arrive for Mass, assisting them in locating seating as needed, especially for the disabled. They take up and ensure the security of collections. They arrange for parishioners to present the gifts during the preparation of the Altar, and distribute bulletins after mass. They check the church after Mass to ensure all is in order. Training is required.
Extraordinary Readers read assigned readings at Mass and special liturgical celebrations. They should be outgoing, friendly, and good readers with a strong voice, must have been Confirmed, be in good standing with the Church, and be registered members of the parish. Pastoral approval, and training are required.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the Priest with the distribution of the Most Blessed Sacrament during Mass, and to the homebound and infirmed. Registered, confirmed parishioners who demonstrate appropriate spiritual maturity may be selected by the Pastor for this important role. Training is required.
Sacristans diligently arrange the liturgical books, vestments, vessels and other items necessary for the celebration of the Sacrifice of the Mass. They ensure that a supply of purificators, fresh hosts, altar wine, and other required items are available. The Sacristan must possess a clear idea of content and norms of the principle liturgical books and an understanding of the intricacies of the liturgical calendar.
Choir members aid the congregation in worship, and provides individuals an avenue to share their vocal talents and participate in worship. ***Currently we are in the process of rebuilding our choir, if interested in participating, please contact Fr. Victor. ***
cantare amantis est... Singing belongs to one who loves. - St. Augustine
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